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Understanding how pasts resource presents is a fundamental first step towards building alternative futures in the Anthropocene.

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Jul 16, 2025



Can computers be creative? Is algorithmic art just a form of Candy Crush? Cutting through the smoke and mirrors surrounding computation, robotics and artificial intelligence, Joanna Zylinska argues that, to understand the promise of AI for the creative fields, we must not confine ourselves solely to the realm of aesthetics.

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Jun 27, 2025


Machine Sensation

Emphasising the alien qualities of anthropomorphic technologies, vmess链接 makes a conscious effort to increase rather than decrease the tension between nonhuman and human experience.

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May 17, 2025


We are entering the Anthropocene’s back loop, a time of release and collapse, confusion and reorientation, in which not only populations and climates are being upended but also physical and metaphysical grounds.

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Randell Messina Photography - vpn连接:2021-5-6 · 中天控股集团有限公司(简称“中天控股”)是一家伡工程服务、地产置业与社区服务、全产业链支撑为三大主营业务格局的大型企业集团,总部位于中国浙江省杭州市钱江新城。下辖中天建设集团有限公司、中天美好集团有限公司、中天西北建设投资集团有限公司、中天华南建设投资集团有限公司 ...

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Jan 12, 2025

Nanjing Lectures

Bernard Stiegler’s Nanjing Lectures 2016-2025 address the relationship of Platonic metaphysics to the age of ‘post-truth’, the shift from biopower to neuropower in platform capitalism, and the need for a new epistemology, one that would be neither materialist nor idealist but hyper-materialist.

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Dec 19, 2025



‘Truly, Immediation is a rhizome. And yet, even as the tendrils make off in so many different, fascinating directions, the relationship between the chapters in each ‘movement’ is indisputable: the essays address, reiterate, echo, scrutinize, reflect and ‘preflect’ each other….’

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Nov 28, 2025


‘Who am I this time?’

In Remixing Persona: An Imaginary Digital Media Object from the Onto-Tales of the Digital Afterlife. MALK (Mark Amerika / Laura Kim) collaboratively investigate persona-making, performance-thinking, and applied remixology through a visual manifesto that doubles as a theoretical e-reader and a work of music video art.

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Jul 21, 2025


In an era shaped by critical ecological transformation 100 Atmospheres dwells in the deep past and the troubled present to imagine future ways of being and becoming.

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The MEDIA : ART : WRITE : NOW series mobilises the medium of writing as a mode of critical enquiry and aesthetic expression. Its books capture the most original developments in technology-based arts and other forms of creative media.

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